Product Process Document

Rohit Singh
8 min readFeb 20, 2024


A Product guy first needs to understand all the Teams…

Taking example of my recent company Netcore, the business verticals include:

CSM (Customer Success Manager):


  1. Take on client account after integration.
  2. Stabilize Issues faced by Clients with products after the product’s live (with Internal Teams).
  3. Recommendations based on Standard Use Cases, Product Features (Along with Product Teams)
  4. Quarterly Business Reviews (New Features Launched, ROI, etc.), Cross-selling/Upselling.

Metrics To Improve:

  • Feature Adoption (The previous feature has issues → Affects Retention → Needs to be solved quickly)
  • ROI (Amount/Results)
  • More Success Stories & upsells across your SaaS platform → (Comes with Higher NPS & Better Product Clarity/Resolutions)

Onboarding Team:

  • Process: Onboarding for various products (CE, PX, CPaaS, PZ-Unbox)
  • CPAAS: Peppy-Post/email-API (It’s a Backend-End delivery engine linked to CE) → DIY Portal. They ask the client for email (Email Domain To Send). After activation, they integrate into CPaaS via API/SMTP. It has AMP/HTML (Code Editors).

CE Process:

  1. Sales Deal[ Purchase Order (PO-Products Purchased): PO Signed (Deal Close to Onboarding — Post Onboarding Billing)/Pre-PO(No PO — Sales/PSS Discussion + Onboarding Use-Case Discussion to Close)/PO Signed + POC (Result Based Billing) ] ~ Discovery Call
  2. MSA (Master Service Agreement): Legal Doc required else the company can leave in between and then move on to the next stage (Team efforts Wasted)
  3. MoM Call (Product Guides & Next Steps, Integration Docs)
  4. Event Sheet (What Events Client is Required to Push eg. Cart Abandonment, KYC Initiated, Mobile Verification for use cases like Journeys based on Events) / Scope of Work (Summary, Biz Reqmts., POC, etc.) / Rocketlane Project Created / BRD Form Responses from clients (WhatsApp BRD directly Backend → Team)
  5. Onboarding Tasks (LINK) (For all Products eg. Email Warm-Up to send Non-Spam Mails Acc. to Domain Reputation etc.)
  6. Make Use Cases Live
  7. Handover to CSM

Metric To Improve:

  • Calendar Days (Optimize working days)
  • 100% CSAT
  • Conversion Ratio MRR Increase

Support Team (CAT):


  1. External Client / Internal Team Raises Ticket (CSMs: Clients/Few Own Cases)
  2. Support Team
  3. Directs to Other Teams Accordingly If Cannot be Solved / Solves Directly if it’s feasible (If the feature is available on Smartech Panel & CE Doc)

Metrics To Improve:

  • TAT (Quickly Resolve Tickets)
  • Drop in Number of Tickets

SREs (Site Reliability Engineers):


  1. If any issue occurs in the product and the client reports an issue to the helpdesk.
  2. Support Verifies and Solves the problem from their end or Redirects to SRE (Infra, IT: System, Product/Functionality Related Issues: SRE, Campaign Deliverability to DE Team)
  3. Verify Logs & Everything / Bugs reported to Engg. Team.
  4. Informs Back to Support to Close

Metrics To Improve:

  • TAT (Within how many hours the ticket is resolved)
  • More SLA: Service Level Agreements

PSS (Product Sales Specialists):


  1. Sales Lead
  2. Reqmt. Fitment Evaluated, Competition Used (Highlight USPs)
  3. Present The Platform
  4. Discussing Potential Use Cases
  5. Account Closed: PO Signed
  6. Tech Compatibility (How to integrate on Call), BRD Documentation (Client Conf.)
  7. Onboarding Team, Always in Touch with Clients over cycle (Mail, WhatsApp Groups)

Metric To Improve:

  • Revenue Targets (Revenue Increase for region) & Closures
  • Training Sales/SDR/PSS Folks Pan-India around products (Playbook incomplete → Should have a flow to understand the work)



  1. AdminSalesforce Acct. Assigned Region/Team Wise
  2. Acct. Info (PoC, No.s, Research Team for more info)
  3. Closing Sales (PO): Meeting set-up along w Reqmt. & Demo.

Metric To Improve:

  • To bring Good Meetings with internal teams
  • More Deal Closings


  • ZEDA — Product Management → Managing Roadmap (ideation → implementation) | From Backlog → Item to be prioritized for the Quarter.
  • JIRA — Project Management (Tracking Releases) | Next Quarter projects — To check
  • Mixpanel — Analytics
  • Excel/Sheets — Analytics
  • AWS Dynamo / Vertica DB / … — Database
  • NetCore/CleverTap/MoEngage… — for Customer Engagement

Product Delivery Process

  1. Suggestions from Customer, CSM Sales, Mail requirements to market research teams, Support Onboarding, Freshdesk + Competition & Research, Product / BU Teams
  2. Enhancements in Feature (Documented by PM) [To Elaborate]
  3. Collect FeedbackAnalyze insights & Align/Create Features → Plan: Prioritize Goals, Create Initiatives, Align Features → Execution: Roadmap, Push Features in Jira, Create Release Notes, Publish Changes
  4. Daily Grooming with Engineering Team (To be clear with the requirements)
  5. Weekly Scrum Meetings with Devs (Product, Project, Dev)
  6. Testing (UAT / UXA)
  7. QA (~10 Days TAT Depending on the feature)
  8. Production
  9. Work with Clients on Adoption (Product made for Clients to be tested with them in the end for improvement)
  10. Release, Update Docs, Release Notes (What is done)
  11. Once, it works out then the CSM/Sales take the feature to all customers
  12. Inputs to PMM (Product Marketing for Socials, Blog, PR)

Product to Release Roadmap

Code Stages

Local Codebase → POD2 → QA → PREPOD (Copy of Production Code for Testing) → SIT (Automated Test Cases Run to check bugs & problems) → Production (Customer)

The process is reiterated for subsequent enhancements in the features of the product.

JIRA Making Practice

Try to include as many points listed below as part of the Jira ticket. But keep it short with the use of diagrams, no one reads it thoroughly no matter how good it is!

How a Product Person needs to present their research →


LINK to Ton of Great Frameworks:

RICE is an acronym that stands for four key factors to consider when evaluating potential product features:

R — Reach: How many users will be impacted by this feature? A feature with high reach will potentially benefit a larger portion of your user base.
I — Impact: What kind of positive impact will this feature have on your users and your business? Consider metrics like increased engagement, conversion rates, or revenue generation.
C — Confidence: How confident are you that this feature will be successful? Do you have user research or data to support your assumptions?
E — Effort: How much time and resources will it take to develop and implement this feature?

Here’s the magic: Once you’ve scored each factor on a scale (e.g., 0–10), you can multiply them together to get a final RICE score. Features with higher RICE scores generally represent a better investment of your time and resources.

Remember: The RICE framework is a helpful tool, but it shouldn’t be the only factor in your decision-making process. Consider your product vision, user feedback, and overall business goals when making final calls.

Thought Process

Rather than relying on lagging indicators, a successful founder proposed a leading indicator to determine product/market fit. He suggested asking users a simple question: “How would you feel if you could no longer use the product?” and measuring the percentage of users who answer “very disappointed.” After benchmarking numerous startups, he discovered that companies with strong traction almost always had more than 40% of users responding “very disappointed,” while those struggling to find growth fell below this threshold.

Gauging NPS

NPS is aimed towards measuring staisfaction & happiness of your customers with the product/feature. It can be gauged via several ways such as; app/playstore ratings, WhatsApp/Message/Mail survey ratings, offline ratings, telephonic interview ratings, CSAT Survey ratings on platform online.

Formula (NPS %age): ((Promoter — Detractor)/No. of Ratings)*100

Business Canvas

Lean Business Canvas

User Story and User Acceptance

Example of Segmentation Metrics Feature’s User Story:

Segmentation on Predicted Attributes — Design File for User Level Attributes:

Predicted CLV Meaning (PCLV): This is the lifetime value associated with a user. These are categorized on basis of Percentile so that our clients have the ability to check their most valuable customers and device strategies for their users that don’t spend much on the platform, who are present in the Bottom percentile of PCLV.

PCLV Logic:

  • In case of Predicted CLTV is in Top 20 Percentile then users with PCLTV value above 80%ile will be selected.
  • In case of Predicted CLTV is in Bottom 20 Percentile then users with PCLV value below 20%ile will be selected.
  • In case of Predicted CLTV between 20 Percentile and 40 percentile then users with PCLV value below 40%ile and above 20%ile will be selected.

User Story 5: Affinities — Price Sensitivity

Title: As a marketer, I want to create a segment based on users’ price sensitivity.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am on the Netcore Cloud Segmentation Page, when I click on “Add” under “Include Users,” then I should see a “Predictive” tab.
  • The predictive tab should be placed right after the “All” Section.
  • I should be able to see the “Affinities section” and choose “Price Sensitivity” from the sub options.
  • After selecting “Price Sensitivity”, the request statement shall be updated as “Include Users,” for example, where “Price Sensitivity” “Is” “High” “For category” “Category” priced between “Price Range”.
  • Once I click “Affinity-Level”, I should be able to see all Affinity-Levels on the dropdown i.e. Very High, High, Medium high, Medium, Low.
  • I can select one or more Affinity-Levels from the list.
  • Once I click on “Is”, I get a dropdown for Is, Is Not, Exists, Doesn’t exist. It’s not a multi-select dropdown.
  • I should be able to select multiple dropdowns for Price Range, where the ranges are pre-determined at the time of integration and it’s a general range across all categories for e.g. 0–500, 500–1000, 1000–1500….
  • In case “More Than” is selected from the “Price Change” dropdown. I can complete the request under “Include Users,” for example, where “Price Sensitivity” “Is” “Very High” “For category” “Men Perfumes” priced between “0–500 (+1)”.
  • The system should display a table of users who have an affinity for specific “Price Sensitivity” based on the selected criteria.

User Story 6: CLTV — Predicted CLTV

Title: As a marketer, I want to create a segment based on users’ predicted Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV).

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am on the Netcore Cloud Segmentation Page, when I click on “Add” under “Include Users,” then I should see a “Predictive” dropdown.
  • When I select “Predicted CLTV” from the dropdown, then I should be able to set criteria for CLTV, such as “Top”, “Bottom”, “Between” percentile and a specific percentile value.
  • An input field for a numeric character as a percentile should be shown. It should given an error if user enters a value over 100 in the input field.
  • After setting CLTV criteria, I can complete the command under “Include Users,” for example, “where” “Predicted CLTV” “is” “Between” “20 percentile” and “30 percentile”.
  • The system should display a table of users who fall into the 20 and 30 percentile range of predicted CLTV, based on the selected criteria.

Account Configuration — Enable / Disable



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